We aim to make fundraising fun, but there are lots of ways you can raise funds for us. Whatever activity you choose, from a coffee morning to something to challenge you, we’re here to help.

Emma was an endurance athlete, so we are particularly interested in people who want to push the boundaries and take themselves out of their comfort zones. If you want to put yourself through your paces, we’re happy to hear about your challenge.

Here are some other ways you can fund raise.

Donate online via Just Giving

Simply click on the link and donate via our Just Giving page.

Give As You Earn

Give As You Earn, or payroll giving is an easy and tax-efficient way of giving. So it costs you less to give. All you need to do is ask your HR team if that’s possible, and if so, you can give them our details.

Have a party!

Emma loved one, so why not have one in her honour! Wear something orange, crank up the music and charge your guests a small amount for coming! 😁

Get out of your comfort zone

Why not do something that challenges you and helps you improve your health and mental fitness? If you want to complete an endurance event, we’ll help you with your adventures.

Goodbye to gifts

If you’re one of those lucky people who’s got everything, instead of getting a gift, why not ask your family and friends to donate to us (or any other charity) instead? That way, you’ll never have to look happy when you get that gift you never wanted! 😂

Become a Corporate Partner

If you’re a business and you want to adopt a charity for the year, we’d be delighted if you would consider working with us. We can provide you with a fundraising plan to help raise essential funds for practical cancer support.

If you want to know more about fundraising for The Orange Foundation, download our fundraising guide.

Download Fundraising Guide

Alternatively, if you have an idea and want to run it past us, we’d be happy to chat.

Please drop us a line via our contact page.

You can make a difference.

Every single penny you donate is helping us to
support people living with cancer.